Youth Center Kinderhaus Charité

The Kinderhaus Charité has existed since 2001 in partnership with ChildFund Deutschland e.V. and the local aid organization OPDE Congo. What began as a cared-for living group with a few children is now a cared-for house with 40 former street children aged 6 to 14; of which approx. one third are refugee children from neighboring country Burundi.
There are many reasons for becoming a street child: children often leave the family out of sheer poverty in order to somehow survive on the street or they are forced to become child soldiers by marauding gangs – some the children in Kinderhaus Charité had this fate.

The aim of the Charité is to provide the children a protected home with basic supplies such as food, clothing and school attendance as well as to reintegrate them back into their family or with relatives. This is done with the help of a non-profit association Œuvre Humanitaire pour la Protection et le Développement de l’Enfant en difficulté (OPDE) (translation: “Humanitarian Work for the Protection and Development of Children in Difficulty”) which provides services to the children such as psycho-social help due to traumatic experiences.
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